Operation “Cyber Run”
Cerise faces new enemies and obstacles in her latest mission, Killer GF Cyber Run. She’s going to need all the help she can get! This will require fast reflexes and extreme precision. Are you up for the challenge?
Hey Killers!
Desto here to help you on your Cyber Run. Let’s move quickly as we don’t have much time! I have to catch you up to speed with your squad. You got this!
The Team
Kiwi — The directooor
Our lovely Co-Founder Kiwi is a long time lover of both crypto and video games, with Cyber Run being his first venture in the art of game direction. With Kiwi as Director, a lot of focus is placed on listening and providing honest feedback. Going through countless iterations until the game looked, felt, and sounded exactly how he wanted it to. For Cyber Run, Kiwi was heavily inspired by running games like Jetpack Joyride and platforming games like Mario. He always makes sure everything is running smoothly!
Yuki — The game coding coder
Yuki is an experienced video game developer with over six years of experience. He will not stop coding until the job is done! Yuki’s flexibility and openness to feedback makes him a critical member of the team. Yuki loves Killer GF and enjoys being a part of Cyber Run!
Sykz — The artist extraordinaire
With a distinct pixelated art style, Sykz is well known among the NFT community at large. With the mood of Cyber Run being inspired by one of his own original pieces, “Keep Moving” (shown below). His video game influences for Cyber Run were inspired by classic pixelated side scrollers such as Mario Bros., Metroid, and Legend of Zelda. He works incredibly fast; his flexibility and lead with creative direction were extremely critical to the development of Cyber Run.
KaleBasedDiet — The man behind the sound
A lifelong music fan, Kale’s background in piano and music production has prepared him to create all the music for Cyber Run. Taking inspiration from artists such as Virtual Riot and REZZ, and a variety of concepts including Cyber Punk and Electronic music. He’s going to keep your head in the game with Killer synths and riffs.
Killer GF Cyber Run Soundtrack on Music Streaming Platforms!
Love the music of Killer GF Cyber Run? We now have the Killer GF Cyber Run OST album on Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music and more! Listen on any platform!
Still ready for this? Great! Now you have to know what you’re up against.
Deciding the concept
The KGF Team first began development of a Killer GF game around May 2022, by discussing potential ideas to build a game around. We had discussions ranging from a multiplayer battle royale, all the way to a tower defense game. The team wanted to create something that the KGF community would want to keep coming back to, and something simple enough that we could iterate quickly on and grow with the community.
Looking at current trends and receiving feedback from community members (shout-out to Crazzy and Stoofvlees) the team settled on a side scrolling running game to be the best course of action. A running game felt doable for a small project to experiment with but still have potential to be polished into something bigger for the future. It also gave us a great opportunity to express “Killer” into gameplay. A running game is fast and unforgiving if you aren’t quick enough, which is exactly what Cerise can endure!
The Leaderboard
Kiwi was focusing on the core gameplay, but after discussion with the team, there was definitely more needed. Even if Cyber Run is a single-player experience, the leaderboard makes it feel social. The in-game leaderboard keeps track of the top 50 scores of Killer GF holders, so it is a great way to take a single player game and make it competitive as players are able to directly compare their scores with other holders. The leaderboard also sets up the scene for friendly trash talk and bragging rights among the best players :)
The make or break for any running game is the movement. Using “Killer” as the foundation for the gameplay design helped Cyber Run achieve the level of satisfaction that it provides today.
The movement is simple, the player can jump up to twice and fast fall down. As simple as this sounds, it allows for a lot of technical movements. Players are able to cancel any actions with a jump or fast fall, which lets them quickly react and move away from oncoming obstacles.
Art Direction
When designing the artwork for Cyber Run the team had to come up with a mood that would not only fit in with Cerise as a character, but is also conducive to the game concept. Sykz helped us put together the main mood of the game, along with deciding important factors like environment, character scale, and who the enemies would be.
Creating the background was the first step to creating a Killer atmosphere. The background consists of three separate images stacked on top of each other. The furthest back is a grid with a purple and pink gradient. The next layer is the background buildings. The layer closest to the front is the platforms and are the only environment that the player actually interacts with.
There are 3 different stories of buildings which all have different appearances, some rooftops are made of metal and others concrete. Since Cerise is running on the roofs of buildings, the length of the roofs is important, and making sure the landscape is diverse enough to keep you entertained as you run!
The main enemies in Cyber Run are the “grunts”. They kill the player by firing plasma bullets, and while Cerise can’t touch them, they are instantly destroyed by any incoming attack. They spawn the most commonly, and shoot more often the farther you run. While their shots kill Cerise in 1 hit, she can also destroy the bullets with her weapons!
Big guy, bigger gun. When considering new enemies, the team wanted them to be unique and encourage different actions from the runner. This is where the “Big Bad” comes in. He is an invincible enemy with a giant laser gun. The player has to carefully time their jump over this enemy before they get blasted by the laser while they’re running!
The enemies aren’t just mobs either. Traps have been placed on top of these roofs, there are 2 types but they’re both equally as deadly. As you run further they will become more prevalent, forcing you to test your platforming and reaction skills! Don’t slip up!
Still with us? You haven’t chosen your Cerise yet!
Cerise of Choice
The launch of Killer GF Cyber Run began with two playable characters. Scythe Cerise is available to all players, while Gun Cerise is exclusively for Killer GF holders. Both of these characters are designed to be different experiences, offering unique ways to play the same game!
Scythe Cerise
How are your reflexes? Better be on point if you’re going to choose scythe! If you’re too slow you’ll miss a slash! Her toolkit includes an unstoppable down attack, a land slash, and an aerial attack. Make sure to destroy the bullets in your way to avoid getting hit!
Gun Cerise
More of the stay back and shoot type? Cerise can also choose a gun as a calmer, ranged attack option. Her toolkit includes a ranged gun attack that shoots in bursts of four blasts each. Make sure to shoot the enemies before they shoot you! Her gun needs some time to recharge, so if you don’t time your shots properly, you might get stuck recharging, so play it safe!
See those billboards down at the bottom of the screen? They’re a way of shouting out everyone who was part of the game’s development! All created by Sykz, we included every KGF team member at the time of launch! Billboards were an incredible way to make the environment more exciting and diverse, while also allowing for some really personal interactions! We have already allowed 6 community members to make their own billboards from the winners of contests. The team is really excited to see what other billboards will be added in the future!
Wanna be included?
Interested in collaborating with us on the game? We have a lot of ideas! Including custom billboards, skins, and new tracks! File a ticket or contact Desto on discord (desto#3148) for more information.
What’s next?
Due to the incredible response from the community, we’ll continue improving and touching up Cyber Run. We will soon add achievements, more utility for holders, new skins, and fun power ups to make the game-play more re-playable!
After continued development and polishing, we would love to get Cyber Run in mobile app stores! Make sure to stay tuned for when we get there! Join our Discord to send in any fun ideas you have!
Now get to running, Killers!
Thank you for reading everyone! Make sure to try Killer GF Cyber Run if you haven’t and show your friends how fun it is! Feel free to also join our Discord community and speak with the team about your thoughts and feedback!
Make sure to follow us on Twitter for future updates!
Written By — Desto
Edited By — Kiwi